Venue was Wyndham Anatol Hotel, where the 7th International Convention of Federation of Kerala Associations in North America (FOKANA) was held in Dallas, TEXAS in 1996. Houston Writer’s Forum was in charge for the planning and arrangements for the Literary Sessions to be held as part of the convention. Renowned writer M. Mukundan was the key note speaker.
During the occasion, writers and literature lovers felt alienated amidst the celebrations and usual social program segments. Some of them had second thoughts that literary seminars and discussions need to have a forum of its own.
It was in this context that, about thirty of the Malayalam literature lovers assembled at the basement of the Wyndham Anatol Hotel basement during the pandemonium of the FOKANA elections. The idea of an independent national organization to promote Malayalam literature emerged from the meeting.
An ad-hoc committee was formed to study the possibilities with Dr.M.S.T Namboodiri as Chairman.
The first national convention was held at Kerala Center in Dallas, Texas in 1997, after an year of their meeting. It was a dream coming true. Under the chairmanship of Abraham Theckemuri, the bye laws were reviewed and approved for the national organization ‘Literary Association of North America' (LANA) . A new leadership took charge with Dr.M.S.T Nambudiri as President, Joseph Nambimadam as Secretary, and C.M.Chacko as Treasurer for the next two years term.
Consulted by Megha (Cloud) Services ( Home page header photo courtesy : Jijo Paravur (2007 All India Nature Photography Award. 2006, 2011, 2012, and 2015 Kerala State Photography Awards)